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Salary data for healthcare and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) positions.
Analysis and insights on current and future salary trends.
Why it pays to work with UHC Solutions for your FQHC career or talent search.
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“Working with UHC was a great experience. I felt they heard my request and identified a pool of candidates who met those criteria incredibly well. They were responsive in their communication and did a good job of representing the health center in our recruitment efforts.”
“Lindsey and Christine were an amazing team. They offered ample expertise and support throughout the pre- and post-interview, job offer, and negotiation processes. Thank you for the excellent work your team continues to provide, furthering the ambition and careers of healthcare professionals.”
About UHC Solutions
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) serve over 28 million underserved patients today. UHC Solutions is a leading recruitment firm specializing in FQHC placements, connecting passionate healthcare leaders and professionals with rewarding careers in diverse locations. Our mission is to match mission-driven, qualified candidates and community healthcare centers for the betterment of all.
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