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How Personal Coaching Could Boost Your Career and Improve Your Work-Life Balance

In healthcare, generally, we know that work/life balance can be an oxymoron.

One of the attractants to an FQHC is that these environments emphasize work/life balance as a general rule. However, this area of balance is often missing for healthcare executives and senior leaders no matter where they’re working. What resources are available that you may not consider when trying to increase work/life balance? The answer is to look to a life or personal coach to help change your approach.

Finding Work/Life Balance with a Life Coach

A personal life coach can help you strategize your next career move but also help you make behavioral changes to improve the processes you use to get your work accomplished. Given that much of your life is work, particularly in the healthcare field, a personal coach can help in both areas to balance whatever it is that is making you prone to working more than you should.

A life coach gives you perspective. Sometimes it is difficult to see how your workflows can organize and align to help you be more efficient. It’s a situation that brings the adage “can’t see the forest for the trees” to mind. Having the external overarching perspective of an outside resource could give you the tools you need to realign your schedule. It could also help to have the experiences of someone who has experience providing counsel to other struggling professionals to learn what adjustments are needed to regain control of their schedules and lives.

Some of the typical services a life coach can offer include:

  • Helping “unstick” you in areas where you feel stagnant, stymied, or otherwise trapped. A professional coach can help develop a plan for new behaviors you may not have considered. This includes mindset adjustments that lead to feelings of stagnation.
  • Holding you accountable for the patterns that lead to feelings of being overwhelmed or overworked. This perspective is often well worth the cost of the professional coaching experience.
  • Devising strategies and roadmaps for finding success in your career and in your life. Many life coaches use proven formulas to help you attain new career goals. This counsel is invaluable to anyone seeking change in their lives.
  • Helping you better manage the relationships that matter to you. Whether it’s family commitments or collaborative colleague relationships, a skilled life coach can help you work through the issues that are holding you back.


Finally, a good life coach can help you achieve the work/life balance you’ve been missing. Most professional knowledge workers define themselves through their work. But is this actually making you happy? Since burnout is such a huge issue in healthcare, a life coach can be a trusted advisor to help you rethink your priorities and tasks without losing any of the performance that your organization has grown accustomed to. This often takes the perspective of an outside professional resource, whether it’s a mentor or a professional coach.

Sometimes, though, even the best life coach cannot help alleviate the volume of work you’re faced with. When work/life balance is no longer achievable, consider reaching out to UHC Solutions. Our team works closely with healthcare clinical and administrative leaders to help them find rewarding careers in the FQHC field. If you’re feeling stuck, give us a call.


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