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How a Good Recruiter Helps You Through the Ups and Downs of Your Job Search

According to Inc. Magazine, the reality of the job search process is that the low unemployment market can make people feel like it’s easy to find a new role. The reality is far different, but if job seekers can’t find a job right away, they may feel like they are doing something wrong or are somehow inadequate.

The issue is that when the job market is solid, more high-level candidates will feel secure enough to potentially leave their stable jobs for a better work environment. That means the competition is tough so it can take time to find the right role.

A recruiter can help many of these candidates keep their spirits up even in the face of rejection. Here’s how a good recruiter can help you keep a positive attitude even through the hills and valleys of a job search.

A Good Recruiter Can Give You Perspective

The low unemployment rate has created challenges across industries including healthcare. It has become a vary candidate-driven market. A recruiter can consult with you regarding improvement points for your resume as well as prep you for the interview. Think of your recruiter as an advocate whose goal is to prepare you for what you need to do to improve your chances of a new job. Since the employer seeking new talent has partnered with the recruiter, they can advise you and you improve your chances of winning the job. Recruiters can also give you perspective on the type of candidate and the client is searching for and whether the role is a good match.

A Good Recruiter Can Help Your Networking Efforts

Good recruiters have numerous connections. From past clients and current candidates to hiring managers and executive board members – recruiters typically have a strong knowledge of who is in their market. When you’re looking for a new job, a recruiter can introduce you to a network of people that will help you succeed in your job search. It is important to utilize the tools offered by recruiters and know that they understand what you’re looking for and how to find it.

A Good Recruiter Can Help with Your Image

When you’re on the job hunt, your goal is to present your best self to potential employers and colleagues.. Your LinkedIn profile and the things you post on social media are equally as important as your resume. Recruiters see hundreds of resumes every week. That makes your social media profiles an important resource when you feel like your resume isn’t gaining traction in the marketplace. Ask your recruiter for a candid assessment of the look and feel of your resume as well as your online appearance. They will help you with keywords and provide advice on what will attract the right person. After all, your resume and LinkedIn profile may be the first impression an employer has.

Finding the Right Recruiter

UHC Solutions is here to help you with your job search and is as close as a phone call or email. Our leading recruiters help the healthcare industry find talent, placing the best leaders and staff in Federally Qualified Health Centers around the country. Start the conversation today.

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