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Hiring the Right Person at the Right Time is Paramount in Healthcare

Hiring the Right Person at the Right Time is Paramount in Healthcare…How Can You Be Sure Your Top Candidate is The Best for the Role?

You have a lot riding on the quality and cultural fit of every healthcare job candidate. Ultimately, though, most hiring processes are run in a way that leaves a lot to chance. Still, the candidate seems good and the references are appealing so you end up making an offer. But you’re always left wondering if the candidate you hire is actually right for the job. Is there a way to be more certain the candidate you hire is the right fit?

Tips to Ensure the Right Fit in Your FQHC

There have been thousands of articles written on the topic of right-fit candidate. You can use behavioral questions, conduct assessments and screenings, and check references, and you still may feel there is an element left to chance when choosing a candidate.

We recommend that, in addition to using behavioral questions, conducting skills assessments, and calling references you also consider:

  • Thinking outside the box with creative lines of questioning designed to discern how a candidate thinks. What happens if you give the candidate a real-life dilemma that they might face on the job?
  • Challenge the candidate by putting them in situations where they’re more likely to show their real personality and behaviors. Of course, you walk a fine line here; we’re not suggesting you jeopardize the candidate experience in any way.
  • Engage your employees in the hiring process but don’t do this blindly. Keep in mind most people have never hired anyone. You want to get teams involved in hiring to help check culture fit but also give close coworkers a chance to help you pick who will work in their unit.
  • As the candidate makes their way through several interviews, it’s inevitable that questions will be repeated. Some of this is okay because it could trip up a candidate who isn’t as truthful in their answer the first go-round. If you’re carefully controlling the interview questions, or at least prepping your staff, why not pull out a few key questions from the first few meetings, rework them, and ask them again? Certainly, this advice works well for detectives, and in a sense, there’s an element of detecting in every interview.

The final candidates should tour your facility. There are some characteristics in this process that they may or may not exhibit and you should observe this closely as part of the interview process. For example:

  • Do they have astute observations about how things work or questions about workflows? A lack of curiosity here could signal a candidate who is disengaged or otherwise just doesn’t care as much, perhaps, as they should.
  • Are they respectful of everyone they meet? This is particularly important for c-suite candidates. An FQHC is like a family, no matter how large it is. Give thumbs up to the executives that take time to introduce themselves when they can. Pay attention to their approachability with frontline workers. Do they ask good questions about the jobs these employees hold?

We also suggest taking a doctor, nurse, executive director, or other key candidates out for lunch to gain more clues about them. Does their consideration of others include the wait staff at the restaurant? Are any of their behaviors somehow “off?” Do they become irritated by anything? How are they at using smart questions to keep the conversation going?

Ultimately, until the candidate becomes an employee, there will always be an element of guesswork and “gutwork” in the process. However, working with the experts at UHC Solutions will give you an advantage in the sourcing, interviewing, and hiring process. Call on us today to find out how we can reduce the guesswork in your candidate interview process.


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